
Showing posts from March, 2021

Appleton City Sidewalk - 3/30/2021

Getting forms set up for the concrete pour. Pour is underway. Section by the pool. Section just south of the school. Section on west 4th street. Pour completed. All went well.

Appleton City Sidewalk - 3/24/2021

Discussed the bridge by the school with the contractor and the engineer. The last driveway at the school has been tore out and rock is awaiting compaction. Discussed the bridge at the 4th street intersection with contractor and engineer. Crew is digging out the location of the last bridge on the west side of 4th street.

Appleton City Sidewalk - 3/22/2021

The subcontractor is getting relief cuts in all the sidewalk south of 4th Street. Rock was added to a few driveways. Needed redone after some of the rains had washed out the original. School is back in session and the driveways are open for full access. We will come back and fill this gap with asphalt at a later date.

Appleton City Sidewalk - 3/18/2021

The guys have added rock between the asphalt and the new sidewalk at the school allowing access for class that resumes on Monday. Picked up cylinders and delivered to PPI.

Appleton City Sidewalk - 3/16/2021

Prepping the forms at the school for a concrete pour. Cut the asphalt 8’ wide to adjust for a compliant cross slope. 5’ sidewalk. New asphalt on each side. Forms are set and ready for the pour. First truck is underway. Tested out good. Smoothing out the surface of the concrete. Second truck was denied because it was too wet. Third truck is good and the guys continue the pour. Fourth and final truck finishing out the pour. Pour is complete, just have to smooth things out.

Appleton City Sidewalk - 3/15/2021

Concrete crew removed forms on the new sidewalk. Set forms up to the north toward the school for tomorrow’s pour. Conditions to wet for compaction. Main crew removing asphalt down at the school.

Appleton City Sidewalk - 3/10/2021

Concrete pour for Maple Avenue between the school and the pool. Smoothing out the surface. 2nd truck is underway. Main crew removed the old sidewalk on 4th Street to the west of Maple Avenue. Smoothing out the surface of the concrete.

Appleton City Sidewalk - 3/9/2021

Forms are set and base rock is in place ready for the concrete pour. Down near the pool. Continuing north up Maple Avenue. Sidewalk crew keeps working on getting more forms set before the pour today. One of the 3 bridges that was poured on Friday. Miller and Maple intersection. Pouring bridges. Stand at school looking south toward the pool.